The double edged weapon
The Word is the truth of every person
Our life revolves between letters from A to Z, and in its formation a word appears to us, and in its arrangement a sentence appears to us; Our lives are built on the word and its impact.
Speech is harsh and soft, constructive and destructive, happy and sad, optimistic and pessimistic. We choose the words we want to say, even the words we want to hear. The word pleases the heart and fills the soul; Do not underestimate or underestimate it, whether for your life or for those around you.
The word is a reality and a reality for the life of each one of us. Do you feel that we are exaggerating? Ok look..
The person who always talks to you with positivity, optimism, and happiness, and his words calm the thoughts.. If you follow the scenes of his life, you will find it tidy, simple, and happy. Quite the contrary, when you see a person who always talks to you negatively, pessimistic, and constantly broken, he only admits to breaking thoughts and does not take his words into account.. See how his life is filled with problems. Living with him is difficult, or even meeting him for a minute is difficult.
The kind word illuminates the darkness of life.
Even the speech we hear by choice reflects on our life in general and our day in particular, such as our choice of some songs, poems and podcasts, which in turn either make the mood sour or make it happy, and affect our daily and behavioral behaviour, our social relations and our mental health.
And in the end, O kind one.. A kind word to yourself or to those around you works wonders, and other than this is charity and its reward is great, and remember!
“Whoever believes in God and the Last Day, let him speak good or remain silent.”